Esta postagem é dedicada a Aline Sodré, grande fã, que descobriu este tesouro em e com Lizzie Bravo, e, ambas, tiveram a generosidade de partilhá-lo com o mundo. Lizzie e Aline, não tenho palavras para descrever minha emoção e alegria por este presente tão especial, neste dia especial. Obrigada em nome de todos os fãs!
Femme (Administradora do Blog River Phoenix Forever)
* Há uma versão em inglês escrita pela própria Lizzie Bravo logo abaixo. Basta rolar a página.
Sobre Lizzie Bravo:
Bravo, carioca de 61 anos, já foi retratada como “a
esperança de óculos” na canção “Casa no campo”, famosa na
voz de Elis Regina e composta por seu ex-marido, o saudoso Zé
Rodrix. Lizzie trabalhou como vocalista, fotógrafa e na área de
produção com grandes nomes da música brasileira, como Milton
Nascimento, Egberto Gismonti, Joyce, Naná Vasconcelos, Toninho
Horta, e Zé Ramalho, entre muitos outros. Mas, talvez, a sua maior
conquista tenha sido dividir o microfone com John Lennon e Paul
McCartney na gravação de “Across the universe”, quando tinha
apenas 16 anos, nos estúdios da EMI em Abbey Road, Londres.
conta dessa façanha, Lizzie é muito conhecida e respeitada pelo fãs
dos Beatles no Brasil e pelo mundo e citada em várias biografias
sobre a banda.
Tudo começou quando Lizzie aos 15 anos, e já completamente fã dos Beatles, pediu de presente para os pais uma viagem para a Inglaterra Quando finalmente conseguiu, foi para Londres e lá ficou um bom tempo (1967 a final de 1969). Desde a sua chegada em Londres, em Fevereiro de 1967, ela ia todos os dias aos estúdios de Abbey Road encontrar com os FAB4 juntamente com um grupo de fãs que ficava por ali diariamente. Em 67 dava pra vê-los quase todos os dias, devido à quantidade de projetos nos quais estavam trabalhando. Esses encontros renderam muitas fotos, autógrafos e histórias exclusivas, as quais que ela anotou em um diário que está prestes a se transformar em livro - uma versão em português e outra em inglês - cujo lançamento deve acontecer ainda este ano.
onde entra River Phoenix nessa história toda?
foi uma das poucas brasileiras a ter conhecido River Phoenix e se
encontrado com ele várias vezes nos anos 90. Isso porque, morando em
NY, Lizzie era assistente do empresário do Milton Nascimento. Milton
é seu amigo pessoal de longa data, tendo inclusive sido seu padrinho
do casamento com o Zé. Ela esteve presente no 1ª encontro entre
River e Milton acontecido em julho de 1990 na cidade de Atlanta (EUA)
e em outros que vieram em seguida em Los Angeles e no Rio além
de ter tido o privilégio de assistir ao show da banda Aleka’s
Attic e fotografado o mesmo, em NY. Lizzie ficou amiga de Heart
Phoenix, se encontraram na Eco 92 aqui no Rio, e até hoje mantém
contato com ela.
Lizzie nunca partilhou estas histórias antes. Ela tem as melhores lembranças de River e de sua família e dos momentos que passaram juntos. Ela gentilmente aceitou o nosso pedido de compartilhá-los com a gente, que nos deixou imensamente gratas e animadas. Afinal, ter acesso a inéditas - e divertidas - histórias sobre River Phoenix quase 20 anos após sua morte é realmente um presente para todos nós, fãs deste artista notável.
Portanto, aproveite este relato emocional da nossa querida Lizzie Bravo.
Aline Sodré
Portanto, aproveite este relato emocional da nossa querida Lizzie Bravo.
Aline Sodré
"O River Phoenix que eu conheci: um relato inédito de Lizzie Bravo"
Em 23 de agosto de 2012
Nos idos de 1990, quando
morava em Nova York (de 1984 a 1994), num dia de trabalho no meu
escritório caseiro no East Village, recebi instruções da nossa
matriz em Belo Horizonte para entrar em contato com a Heart Phoenix.
Eu representava o Milton Nascimento nos Estados Unidos e era
assistente de seu empresário.
Eles queriam conhecer o
Milton, depois de ouvir a linda música que ele fez pro River (ele
assistiu "Stand by Me" - o Milton é um grande cinéfilo -
e ficou impressionado com a atuação do jovem River). Nos
comunicamos por telefone e fax para tentar uma data que fosse boa
para todos. River estava filmando e Milton estava em turnê
Finalmente ficou decidido
que seria em Atlanta. O dia do show era 7 de julho de 1990, o local o
Piedmont Park, e o evento o Atlanta Jazz Series. A platéia seria de
10.000 pessoas, aproximadamente.
Heart dirigiu até lá,
com o River dormindo no banco de trás, e sua namorada. Quando
chegaram, fomos nos encontrar na frente do hotel, o Wyndham, na
avenida Peachtree. Essa foto de nós 4 foi dessa hora - nota-se a
cara de sono do River!
Foto do primeiro encontro de River e Milton Nascimento, com Lizzie Bravo e Heart Phoenix
Quando entramos no hotel,
o River pediu dinheiro pra sua mãe. Foi uma quantia irrisória, tipo
5 dólares. Ela ainda perguntou se ele queria mais, mas ele
disse que não precisava. Achei muito fofo! Um
ator internacionalmente famoso que ainda se comportava como
um menino diante da sua mãe.
O show começou ainda de
dia, e River, sua namorada - se não me engano o nome dela era Susan
- Heart e eu sentamos no gramado bem em frente do palco, numa área
isolada para convidados. Tenho lindas fotos deles nesse momento. O
River boquiaberto ouvindo sua música...
Depois do show, o River
nos convidou pra jantar - eles três, o Milton e eu. Fomos a um
restaurante que eu não lembro se era tailandês ou de que outro país,
mas a mesa era redonda, tinha um pão bem grande, fininho, que
ocupava a mesa toda, e umas comidinhas em cumbucas no meio. Você
rasgava o pão, recheava com as comidas e comia - tudo com as mãos!
Eu nunca tinha ido a um restaurante assim, foi interessante.
Nos entendemos bem desde
o primeiro encontro, conversamos muito, foi ótimo. Depois
fomos pra suite do Milton no hotel, onde River e ele tocaram violão.
Em algum momento o Milton não se aguentou e contou pra eles
que eu tinha cantado com os Beatles. Pronto! Experimenta contar pra
uma família hippie que alguém conviveu com os Beatles? O River fez
várias perguntas e contei tudo pra eles com detalhes. Ficaram de
queixo caído!
Mandei umas fotos que
tirei dos Beatles pra ele pelo correio, e a Heart me disse que ele
(Parece brincadeira, mas
levei um tempão procurando, achei TODAS minhas agendas, menos a do
ano de 1990!)
No dia 10 de abril de
1991, o River deixou ingresso pra eu assistir um show do Aleka's
Attic no bar Wetlands em Nova York. Eu fui, tirei fotos - tive que
aguentar a cara amarrada das fãs dele, que não sabiam o que uma
coroa estaria fazendo tão perto do palco tirando fotos - e depois do
show o River me levou para uma mesa lá atrás e me fez um bocado de
perguntas. Queria saber o que eu tinha achado do show, do som, de
Fotos do show do Aleka's
Attic em NY by Lizzie Bravo (1991)
Outro encontro foi num
show do Milton em Los Angeles. Não tenho certeza, mas acredito que
tenha sido logo depois do show em Nova York, em abril de 1991. Tirei
muitas fotos.
A última vez que vi o
River foi aqui no Rio, na casa do Milton, por volta de junho de 1992.
A Heart cozinhou um banquete vegetariano, e meu irmão e eu fomos
convidados. Foi uma noite muito agradável, boa comida e bom papo. O
River me pegou pela mão e levou pro andar de cima, onde ele colocou
os fones do seu Walkman nos meus ouvidos e botou uma música nova
dele pra eu ouvir e dar opinião. Infelizmente, não lembro o nome.
Fiquei lisonjeada dele fazer questão de me mostrar e pedir minha
Também estive com a
Heart na Eco 92, aqui no Rio. Eu vim de Nova York como intérprete
dos Beach Boys.
Mais fotos exclusivas (do Acervo pessoal de Lizzie Bravo)
Encontrei a Heart e
membros da família mais uma vez quando Milton fez um show em
Gainsville, no dia 22 de novembro de 1992. River estava
A lembrança que tenho do
River é de um jovem muito lindo, carinhoso, meigo e gentil. Foi um
privilégio conhecer essa família tão especial. Sua morte foi um
choque e uma tristeza muito grande, que perdura até hoje quando
lembro dele.
Quando eu achar a agenda,
vou procurar pra ver se tem mais alguma coisa, algum outro encontro
que eu tenha esquecido de mencionar. E o resto das fotos, mais
adiante quando meu livro estiver pronto eu procuro e mando pra vocês.
Beijos a todas/todos e
vamos celebrar esse ser humano iluminado que foi River Jude Phoenix!
Lizzie Bravo
Lizzie Bravo
English version
Lizzie Bravo, a 61-year-old Rio de Janeiro native, was once portrayed as “hope wearing glasses” in a song performed by Elis Regina written by her ex-husband, the late Zé Rodrix.
Lizzie has worked as a singer, photographer, and in musical production with great names in Brazilian popular music, such as Milton Nascimento, Egberto Gismonti, Joyce, Naná Vasconcelos, Toninho Horta, and Zé Ramalho - among others. Nevertheless, perhaps her biggest accomplishment was sharing a microphone with John Lennon and Paul McCartney in the recording session of “Across the Universe” when she was 16 years old at the legendary EMI Studios in Abbey Road in February of 1968.
Due to this great achievement, over the years Lizzie has become highly respected and acknowledged by Beatle fans in Brazil and worldwide. Her name is mentioned in several books about the band.
Basically, everything started when Lizzie was 15 years old and already a huge Beatle fan. She asked her parents for a trip to England as a birthday gift. She went to London, where she remained for a long period (from 1967 to late 1969). From her arrival in London, in February 1967, she used to go every single day to Abbey Road to see the Fab4 going in and out of the Studios along with a group of fans that used to be there on a daily basis. In 1967, it was quite possible to see them almost every day, due to the amount of projects they were involved in, and for that reason, Lizzie got many autographs and photos, and has exclusive memories which she wrote down in a diary that is about to become a book – with English & Portuguese versions – that will be released sometime later this year.
But what has all that to do with River Phoenix after all?
Lizzie was one of the few Brazilians who had the chance to meet River Phoenix in the early 90s. That was possible because while living in NY, she was an assistant to Milton Nascimento’s manager and was Milton's representative in the U.S. Milton is Lizzie’s close friend, he was even best man at her wedding to Zé Rodrix. She was present the very 1st time River and Milton met, back in July 1990 in Atlanta (USA), she was also present at other meetings they had in the following years in Los Angeles and Rio de Janeiro, and she had the privilege of attending and taking pictures at an Aleka’s Attic concert in New York.
Lizzie has never shared these stories before. She has the fondest memories of River and his family and the times they spent together. She kindly accepted our request to share them with us, which left us immensely grateful and excited. After all, to have access to brand new - and fun - stories about River Phoenix almost 20 years after his passing, is truly a gift for all of us, fans of this remarkable artist.
So, enjoy this emotional report from our dear Lizzie Bravo.
Aline Sodré
Lizzie Bravo, a 61-year-old Rio de Janeiro native, was once portrayed as “hope wearing glasses” in a song performed by Elis Regina written by her ex-husband, the late Zé Rodrix.
Lizzie has worked as a singer, photographer, and in musical production with great names in Brazilian popular music, such as Milton Nascimento, Egberto Gismonti, Joyce, Naná Vasconcelos, Toninho Horta, and Zé Ramalho - among others. Nevertheless, perhaps her biggest accomplishment was sharing a microphone with John Lennon and Paul McCartney in the recording session of “Across the Universe” when she was 16 years old at the legendary EMI Studios in Abbey Road in February of 1968.
Due to this great achievement, over the years Lizzie has become highly respected and acknowledged by Beatle fans in Brazil and worldwide. Her name is mentioned in several books about the band.
Basically, everything started when Lizzie was 15 years old and already a huge Beatle fan. She asked her parents for a trip to England as a birthday gift. She went to London, where she remained for a long period (from 1967 to late 1969). From her arrival in London, in February 1967, she used to go every single day to Abbey Road to see the Fab4 going in and out of the Studios along with a group of fans that used to be there on a daily basis. In 1967, it was quite possible to see them almost every day, due to the amount of projects they were involved in, and for that reason, Lizzie got many autographs and photos, and has exclusive memories which she wrote down in a diary that is about to become a book – with English & Portuguese versions – that will be released sometime later this year.
But what has all that to do with River Phoenix after all?
Lizzie was one of the few Brazilians who had the chance to meet River Phoenix in the early 90s. That was possible because while living in NY, she was an assistant to Milton Nascimento’s manager and was Milton's representative in the U.S. Milton is Lizzie’s close friend, he was even best man at her wedding to Zé Rodrix. She was present the very 1st time River and Milton met, back in July 1990 in Atlanta (USA), she was also present at other meetings they had in the following years in Los Angeles and Rio de Janeiro, and she had the privilege of attending and taking pictures at an Aleka’s Attic concert in New York.
Lizzie has never shared these stories before. She has the fondest memories of River and his family and the times they spent together. She kindly accepted our request to share them with us, which left us immensely grateful and excited. After all, to have access to brand new - and fun - stories about River Phoenix almost 20 years after his passing, is truly a gift for all of us, fans of this remarkable artist.
So, enjoy this emotional report from our dear Lizzie Bravo.
Aline Sodré
Meeting River and his family - by Brazilian Lizzie Bravo
Way back in 1990, when I
lived in New York (from 1984 to 1994), on a regular workday at my
home-office in the East Village, I was told by our main office in
Belo Horizonte, Brazil, to get in touch with Heart Phoenix. At the
time, I represented Brazilian singer/songwriter/ superstar Milton
Nascimento and was an assistant to his manager.
They wanted to meet
Milton, after hearing the beautiful song he had written for River (he
saw "Stand by Me" - Milton is a major movie fan - and was
very impressed with the young actor's performance). We
communicated via phone and fax to try to find a date that would be
suitable for everyone. River was filming, Milton was on a US
It was finally decided it
would be in Atlanta. The day of the concert was July 7th,1990,
the place was Piedmont Park and the event the Atlanta Jazz Series.
The crowd was of approximately 10.000 people.
Heart drove, with River
sleeping in the back seat. His girlfriend was also with them.
When they arrived, we met outside the hotel, the Wyndham, on
Peachtree Avenue or Street. This photo of the 4 of us is from
that moment - River looks definitely sleepy!
When we headed back to
the hotel entrance, River asked his mother for some money. It
was a really small amount, something like US$5.00. She asked
him didn't he want some more and he said that was enough. I
thought that was so cute: an internationally acclaimed actor, yet he
still acted like a little boy beside his mother!
It was still daylight
when the concert started and River, his girlfriend - if I'm not
mistaken her name was Susan - Heart and I sat on the grass right in
front of the stage, at a fenced-in spot for guests. I have
beautiful photos of them from this moment. River in awe as he
listened to his song...
After the concert, River
invited us out to dinner - the three of them, Milton and I. We
went to a restaurant that I can't remember if it was Thai or from
what other country, but the table was round and there was this thin
bread covering it, and some small bowls with different foods. You
were supposed to tear up pieces of the bread and fill them with the
food - all with your hands! I had never been to a restaurant
like that, it was quite interesting.
We all hit it off right
from the start, we talked a lot, it was great. After dinner we
went to Milton's suite at the hotel, where he and River played the
guitar. At some point, Milton couldn't control himself and told
them about me singing with The Beatles. That was it! Try
telling a hippie family that someone has met the band? River
asked me several questions and I told them the whole story, with
details. Their jaws dropped!
I mailed River some
photos I took of The Beatles, and apparently he loved them.
(It's no joke, I've spent
a long time looking for my 1990 diary and I found EVERY other one but
On April 10, 1991, River
left a ticket for me to see Aleka's Attic at Wetlands in New York
City. I went, took some photos - had to endure the funny looks
by River's young fans who didn't understand what an older woman was
doing there so close to the stage taking pictures - and after
the show River took me to a table at the back and asked me several
questions. He wanted to know what I thought of the concert, the
sound, everything.
I met Heart and other
family members once again when Milton played a concert in Gainsville,
on November 22, 1992. River was out of town.
Another meeting was at a
Milton concert in Los Angeles. I am not sure, but it could have
been right after the Wetlands gig, in April 1991. I took many
The last time I saw River
was here in Rio, at Milton's house, around June 1992. Heart
prepared a vegetarian feast and my brother and I were invited. It
was a lovely evening, good food and conversation. River took me
by the hand and led me upstairs, where he placed the earphones of his
Walkman on my ears and played a new song of his for me to listen and
give my opinion. Unfortunately, I can't remember the song's
name. I was flattered that he wanted to show me the song and
hear my opinion.
I also met Heart here in
Rio at Eco 92. I came from New York as an interpreter for The
Beach Boys.
What I remember about
River is him being a very beautiful, caring, sweet and kind young
man. It was a privilege to meet this very special family. His death
was a shock and a huge sadness, which remains until today when I
think of him.
When I find my diary, I
will read it and see if there's anything else to tell, something I
have forgotten.
And as for the rest of
the photos, when my book is done I will have time to look for them
and share them with you.
My love to everyone and
let's celebrate the enlightened human being that was River Jude